Softran Services
*Best database architects stay with us*
Data Architecture as a Service {DAAAS}
Data Architecture describes the structure of an organization's logical and physical data assets and data management resources.

At SOFTRAN we believes that when an enterprise has chosen to undertake largescale architectural transformation, it is important to understand and address all levels of data and associated data architecture issues. At SOFTRAN we follow structured and comprehensive approach to data architecture that enables the effective use of data to capitalize on its competitive advantages.

We at SOFTRAN focus on Key Considerations while it comes to DA, like -
  • Data Management
  • Data Migration
  • Data Governance

We develop Data Architecture as follows:

We collect data-related models from existing Business Architecture and Application Architecture materials

We rationalize data requirements and align with any existing enterprise data catalogs and models; this allows the development of a data inventor y and entity relationship

We update and develop matrices across the architecture by relating data to business service, business function, access rights, and application

We elaborate Data Architecture views by examining how data is created, distributed, migrated, secured, and archived